Saturday, May 19, 2012

Marissa King: "Better to try than regret"

2008 olympian and NCAA vault champion Marissa King has confirmed via twitter that she will be competing at thefirst olympic trial tomorrow:-

@TheBritRiss First Olympic trial tomorrow! Never thought this time would come again. 
So appreciative of everyone's support! Excited yet nervous to be back.. Better to try than regret though.

With her 3 years experience of regular competition for the University of Florida, King has plenty of consistency and a strong vaulting ability, both of which could make her a definite dark-horse for the olympic team, despite having not competed for GB internationally since the 2009 worlds.

BG media team has confirmed they will try to upload video of routines throughout the day tomorrow although these will probably not be live... watch this space for scores, links and commentary.

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