Sunday, November 6, 2011

Swiss Cup - a different kind of gymnastics competition!

The post worlds period is often a quiet one, with teams regrouping and strategizing for the year ahead. However, that hasn't stopped many of the best countries fielding a team for the Swiss Cup in Zurich.

The Swiss Cup is a mixed pair competition (one female and one male gymnast from each country) the  competition is divided into a preliminary, semi-final and final round with the 10-pair field being reduced to 8 after 2 apparatus and only 4 for the final event.

The finalists were Romania (Ana Porgras/Flavius Koczi), Switzerland (Giulia Steingruber/Claudio Capelli), Germany (Elizabeth Seitz/Fabian Hambuchen) and Russia (Anna Dementyeva/Nikita Ignatyev).

Romania's Ana Porgras and Russia's Nikita Ignatyev won the Arthur Gander memorial cup (also in Switzerland) earlier this week, where athletes compete on their top 3 apparatus. Most of the gymnasts made it a two-stop trip.

In the end it was the home team of Steingruber and Capelli who won the day, making it Switzerland's first victory at the Swiss Cup. They were helped by Steingruber's two strong vaults. Porgras's first beam outing was the highest ladies score of the day.

Here are the scores of the finalists (source- International Gymnast)

the other teams competing were-
5. Kim Bui/ Sebastian Krimmer (Germany 2)
6. Jo Hyunjoo/Yang Hak Seon (Korea)
7. Angelina Kysla/ Nikolai Kuksenkov (Ukraine)
8. Jessica Diacci/Pascal Bucher (Switzerland 2)
9. Lizzie Beddoe/Ruslan Panteleymonov (GB)
10. Jessica Mattoni/ Paolo Principi (Italy)

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