Last night the medals were decided in 3 of the 4 disciplines at the US championships in Greensboro.
Alissa Csizny became the first multiple-time US champion since Michelle Kwan. Unlike her first win 2 years ago she came back from a deficit in the short programme to win the free skate and take gold. She was helped along the way by somewhat sub-par skates by silver medallist
Rachael Flatt and bronze medallist
Mirai Nagasu. As the US still only has 2 ladies spots to worlds, Mirai will sadly miss out on a trip to Tokyo.
See a great NBC fluff on Alissa and coverage of her short programme on youtube,
In the Ice Dance the team from Canton, Michigan ruled the roost with
Meryl Davis & Charlie White easily winning their 3rd gold, followed by training mates
Alex and Maia Shibutani and
Madison Chock & Greg Zuerlin. In pairs
Caitlin Yankowskas & John Coughlin took their first title with the 2010 olympians following in 2nd (
Evora &Ladvig) and 3rd place (
Denney & Barrett).
The Men's event closes the championships tonight. Meanwhile the teams nominated for ISU championships in Ladies, Pairs and Dance are listed below. The US is bucking its past trend and sending it's A-team to both Four Continents and Worlds. View full results from the US Champs
2011 World ChampionshipsAlissa Czisny
Rachael Flatt
Alternate 1 - Mirai Nagasu
2011 Four Continents ChampionshipsAlissa Czisny
Rachael Flatt
Mirai Nagasu
2011 World Junior ChampionshipsChristina Gao (5th Sr Ladies)
Courtney Hicks (1st, Jr Ladies)
Agnes Zawadzki (4th, Sr Ladies)
2011 World ChampionshipsEvora/Ladwig
Alternate 1 - Denney/Barrett
2011 Four Continents ChampionshipsDenney/Barrett
2011 World Junior ChampionshipsCain/Reagan (1st, Jr Pairs)
Andrews/LeDuc (3rd, Jr Pairs)
2011 World ChampionshipsChock/Zuerlein
Alternate 1 - Hubbell/Hubbell
2011 Four Continents ChampionshipsChock/Zuerlein
2011 World Junior ChampionshipsBonacorsi/Mager (2nd, Jr Dance)
Cannuscio/McManus (3rd, Jr Dance)
Lichtman/Copely (1st, Jr Dance)